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How This Epoxy Flooring Contractor Went From Invisible to Dominating His Local Market

Orange Door Epoxy Flooring & Painting Pros in Maricopa County, Arizona

Table of Contents

The Background

When it comes to running a successful business, it’s not always about who spends the most on marketing. Sometimes, it’s about having a simple, well-executed plan.

That was the case with Dustin Magley, the owner of Orange Door Custom Coatings.

Dustin’s business was relying heavily on word-of-mouth referrals. But, as Dustin’s company grew, he needed a more sustainable marketing approach. He had just invested $5,000 in a new website with another marketing agency but it was very flawed.

Your website should make homeowners feel confident in requesting a quote. That’s why we build websites that drive lead generation by using proven techniques in conversion optimization marketing psychology to move homeowners along the awareness timeline so they become a lead.

But the website wasn’t Dustin’s only issue.

At Contracting Empire, we believe in data-driven decision-making.  By analyzing your revenue streams, profit margins, and client acquisition costs, we identify opportunities to boost your profits and align your strategies with your business goals.
Knowing these numbers allows us to create tailored marketing strategies that directly impact your bottom line. And that’s what we did for Dustin.

The Challenges​

Poor Website Navigation

Imagine you’re a homeowner looking for a contractor. You visit their website hoping to find the information you need quickly.

Instead, you find a maze: buttons that don’t work, services you can’t locate, and an “About” page that’s impossible to find.

When homeowners visit your site, they want clear answers and confidence in your ability to handle their project. They don’t want to waste time trying to figure out where to go because they have 10 other contractors they can choose from.

That’s where conversion-focused design makes all the difference.

We start by creating a welcoming experience. Engaging content and strong visuals build trust with your potential clients from the moment they access your website.

We know the common questions and concerns homeowners have — about costs, timelines, and more — and we address them head-on with clear, concise messaging.

We also dive deep into a call with our clients to figure out what makes all of their processes unique and makes the business truly theirs.

This reduces hesitation and keeps them engaged.

Homeowners identify browsing your website with how their experience is going tobe with you as a contractor. To help create that ease, they need to find what they’re looking for immediately. That’s why we design sites with easy navigation, clear calls-to-action, and simple access to contact details, so potential clients can reach out without any trouble.

Not Being Found On Google

Say you’re a homeowner looking for an epoxy flooring contractor in your area. You hop on Google to search for contractors and your business doesn’t show up.

That’s because you are not ranking with your Google Business Profile (GBP, for short). Your GBP is the listing that appears when someone searches for businesses like yours on Google. It shows your business name, location, contact info, photos, and customer reviews.

if your business doesn’t show up, those potential clients won’t even know you exist. Google is the first place homeowners go to find services. If you’re not ranking, you’re automatically losing out to competitors who are visible.

This matters because the higher you rank on Google, the more likely homeowners are to click on your listing. People rarely scroll past the first few results, and if your business isn’t there, they’ll choose someone else—guaranteed.

Being found on Google isn’t just about visibility, though. It’s about trust. When your business appears in those top search results, it tells homeowners that Google considers you a reliable, credible option. That first impression can make all the difference between getting a call and losing a job.

Getting found on Google means more traffic, more leads, and ultimately, more clients coming to you instead of your competitors.

Wrong Service Focus

When Dustin came to us, his business was getting lost in the crowd. Phoenix is one of the most competitive markets for epoxy flooring, and simply being good at what you do isn’t enough to stand out.

His original business name, “Orange Door Custom Painting,” wasn’t doing him any favors either. Homeowners didn’t know he specialized in epoxy flooring just by looking at his name. And when you’re in a crowded market, your name has to tell people exactly what you do and why you’re the expert at it. 

We realized that Dustin wasn’t being seen by the right clients because he wasn’t clearly communicating his top service: epoxy flooring. You need to make it easy for homeowners to understand what you’re best at, and this was the game-changer for Dustin.

Here’s what we did:

This shift in focus is part of what made the difference. Now, instead of being lost among other contractors offering everything under the sun, Dustin’s business is positioned as the go-to expert for epoxy flooring in Phoenix.

Changing the name wasn’t the magic fix. It was about honing in on the right service, speaking directly to the homeowners who wanted that service, and making sure that Dustin’s business was the first one they thought of when looking for epoxy flooring.

The Strategy

Every business has its own set of challenges, goals, and opportunities. That’s why we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach.

For Orange Door, the key was to improve their online presence and make their core service — epoxy flooring — stand out.

We started by focusing on organic strategies to build a strong foundation for their visibility and attract the right clients. Our goal was to increase their reach and generate qualified leads without putting a strain on their budget.

We also understand that cash flow is essential to any business. That’s why we tailor our recommendations to fit what you can comfortably afford. Whether you’re aiming for rapid growth or steady, sustainable expansion, we help you make the right choices for your situation.

At the end of the day, our goal is simple: to help your business grow effectively while keeping your finances healthy.

The Results

Building A Website that gets results

When homeowners land on your website, they’re not looking to waste time.

They want to find what they need quickly and easily—whether that’s information on services, pricing, or how to contact you. If they can’t find what they’re looking for in a few clicks, they’ll leave and go straight to your competitor. That’s why making your website intuitive and user-friendly is key to turning visitors into paying clients.

For Dustin, this was a game-changer. His original website left homeowners guessing, which led to high bounce rates and lost leads. We revamped the entire structure, focusing on making the journey as simple and straightforward as possible.

Now, when someone visits the Orange Door website, they can instantly see the core services right at the top. No more guesswork, no more frustration—just clear paths that guide visitors to the exact information they need.

When we revamped Dustin’s website, it wasn’t just about making it easier to navigate. It was about creating a comprehensive system that did exactly what it needed to do: build trust, capture leads, and rank well on Google.

A good website isn’t just one that looks nice or has smooth navigation—it’s one that drives results.

According to a study by WhiteSpark, 30% of your SEO rankings are influenced by your website structure. That means a well-optimized site is crucial not only for user experience but also for dominating local search results.

We rebuilt Dustin’s website to focus on what matters most:

Every change made to the website is based on data, not guesswork. We use advanced tools to track every click, scroll, and time spent on each page. This data allows us to make decisions that enhance the user experience and drive more qualified leads into your pipeline.

Google Business Profile Optimization

Once Dustin’s website was dialed in, the next step was to optimize his Google Business Profile (GBP) to make sure homeowners in his area could actually find him.

We focused on aligning his website and GBP to create a seamless online presence. Without that alignment, you risk sending mixed signals to Google, which can hurt your rankings. But with a fully optimized GBP, Dustin’s business is now easy to find and trusted by search engines.

Top Rankings In A Highly Competitive Market Dustin’s GBP is now one of the first results homeowners see when searching for epoxy flooring in his area.
A Clear Message That Speaks To Homeowners' Needs His profile now communicates exactly what his business does, making it easy for homeowners to understand why they should choose him.
Optimized For SEO Success We fixed his GBP’s backend, like choosing the right categories and keywords, but more importantly, we turned his profile into a tool that drives consistent leads by addressing homeowners’ most pressing concerns.
Top Rankings In A Highly Competitive Market Dustin’s GBP is now one of the first results homeowners see when searching for epoxy flooring in his area.
A Clear Message That Speaks To Homeowners' Needs His profile now communicates exactly what his business does, making it easy for homeowners to understand why they should choose him.
Optimized For SEO Success We fixed his GBP’s backend, like choosing the right categories and keywords, but more importantly, we turned his profile into a tool that drives consistent leads by addressing homeowners’ most pressing concerns.

By aligning his GBP with his website, Dustin’s business now dominates local searches, bringing in more leads and converting them into paying clients. 

The result is a consistent stream of inquiries from homeowners who are ready to hire him.

This is just one example of how everything compounds in marketing. It’s never just one thing that brings in all those leads you want.

By pulling these many different levers, we got Orange Door to be featured in the local map pack, that sweet area at the top of Google search where a few lucky businesses get showcased. 

Being in the map pack means more eyeballs on your business, more clicks, and, ultimately, more customers.

Climbing In Spite Of Fierce Competition

Competing in Phoenix, Arizona, one of the most competitive markets in the country, isn’t for the faint of heart.

Every epoxy flooring business in the area is investing thousands in marketing, all gunning for the top spot. Homeowners are bombarded with choices, and to stand out, you need more than just great service—you need a strategy that pushes you to the front.

We positioned Orange Door to do just that. The competition was fierce, everyone fighting tooth and nail to make it to the top.

By revamping their online presence, working on their branding, optimizing their SEO, and crafting a Google Business Profile that speaks directly to homeowners’ needs, we helped them break through the noise and dominate their local market.

Take a look at this screenshot from November 2022, showing where Orange Door stood in ranking compared to their major competitors.
Back in November 2022, Orange Door wasn’t ranking anywhere in the top 10 for most searches. They were only in the top 3 search results in the area around their main office — which is pretty normal since proximity plays a big role.

The green dots you see represent areas where his business ranked in the top 3 spots. 

Orange dots show positions 4 to 10, and the red dots indicate rankings of 21 or higher.

As you can see, Orange Door only had a few green spots on the map, mainly right around their office, which is pretty normal since proximity plays a big role.

Now, let’s jump ahead to December 2023.

Those four green points around Dustin’s office turned into 12 green points over the course of one year. 

Orange Door is now visible to more people across a much wider area, not just in Dustin’s immediate neighborhood.

This didn’t happen overnight.

Today, they’re consistently ranking in the top 3 for the most valuable searches in Phoenix.

It’s one of the toughest markets, and they’re crushing it. This is the result of good strategy, execution, and the relentless drive to win.

Key Takeaways

With all of our combined efforts, Orange Door now:

Let’s drive real growth to your contracting business.

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